Written by Stacia Snapp, Microsoft User Experience Writer. Four new Microsoft PowerShell cmdlets are now available for you to use with Microsoft Online Services. The first two cmdlets below let you manage alternate recipient settings for a user’s mailbox. The last cmdlets help you enable or disable POP access for a specific user’s mailbox. We first introduced the following Powershell commandlets in the January 2011 Service Update blog post. Admins will have to download the latest version of the migration tools ( 32-bit or 64-bit ) to use the new commandlets. 1. Clear-MSOnlineAlternateRecipient: By using this cmdlet, you can remove all alternate recipient settings for a user’s mailbox in Microsoft Online Services. Clearing these settings will stop incoming messages from being forwarded to a designated alternate e-mail address and will restore delivery to the original recipient’s mailbox. Get the Clear-MSOnlineAlternateRecipient cmdlt here. 2. Set-MSOnlineAlternateRecipient : Use the Set-MSOnlineAlternateRecipient cmdlet to set an alternate recipient for a user’s mailbox in Microsoft Online Services. The cmdlet supports the following delivery scenarios for incoming e-mail messages: Messages are delivered to the recipient’s mailbox and forwarded to an alternate e-mail address. Messages are forwarded to an alternate e-mail address without delivery to the intended recipient’s mailbox. Get the Set-MSOnlineAlternateRecipient cmdlt here. 3. Disable-MSOnlinePOPAccess: Use this cmdlet to disable POP3 access for a specific user’s mailbox in Microsoft Online Services. Get the Disable-MSOnlinePOPAccess cmdlt here. 4. Enable-MSOnlinePOPAccess: Use this cmdlet to enable POP3 access for a specific user’s mailbox in Microsoft Online Services. Get the Enable-MSOnlinePOPAccess cmdlt here. We hope these cmdlets are helpful for you and your organization. Are there other cmdlets that you often use? We want to hear from you in the comments section below or send an email to our community mailbox . Follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page.
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4 New PowerShell cmdlets
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