Office 365 Groups: Your apps under one roof

People often have dozens of tabs open in their web browsers to access services that help them with work or catch up on social media. As a result, it’s difficult to keep track of all of them and get the information you need. Office 365 Groups solves this problem with Connectors, a new feature that lets you connect to third-party applications within the Outlook page.

Microsoft Office 2019 vs. Office 365: A comparison

Microsoft Office is one of the most popular productivity suites for businesses. Over the years, Microsoft has released several versions of the product, all of which were designed to target different users or update outdated features. Two of the suite’s latest iterations, Office 365 and Microsoft Office 2019, contain many of the same standard applications, but users should pay close attention to their differences when deciding which one to purchase.

Tweak your mindset to achieve success on the cloud

The cloud is not like some magic beans that’ll sprout sky-high stalks overnight and lead you to a castle full of riches. Don’t be misled by shiny words such as “increased productivity” and “collaboration” — your organization won’t realize these benefits unless everyone actually puts in the work to make the cloud work. If you want to use the cloud successfully, you might have to change your mind about a thing or two before you migrate to the cloud.