Customers and partners are utilizing Microsoft BPOS to create new and innovative cloud products. The blog post below comes from CionSystems, Inc. and describes what they are doing in the cloud with the power of Microsoft BPOS. Do you have a BPOS story? Send the BPOS Community team an email. -Josh Single Sign-On, Password Self-Service, and Deprovisioning Solutions Identity Management is a hidden, but significant, cost for most businesses. Whether companies use business intelligence and reporting to track the cost of identity management in their IT infrastructure or not, industry experts like Gartner, ARC, Forrester, IDC, and many of their competitors know that Identity Management is a multi-billion dollar industry. When companies fail to manage identity or manage it poorly, those companies lose significant profit from their revenue stream. From forgotten passwords to unlocking accounts, help-desk support calls, provisioning access to IT systems, maintaining accounts and access to multiple systems, and removing unnecessary access when employees leave the company or no longer need that access, companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars annually, if not millions, to manage their identity infrastructure. Just for handling the problem of lost productivity when employees need passwords to be reset to gain access to their workstations, a 1,000 person company can easily spend in excess of US $300K per year. That cost increases in direct proportion to the number of employees and that cost may further and exponentially increase in direct proportion to the number of systems to be managed by the IT infrastructure. Furthermore, increasing oversight by newly evolving government acts and regulations require stricter auditing and reporting (e.g., HIPAA, SOX, GLBA, CFR, etc.) for companies in the healthcare, financial, and telecommunications sectors. It is now more important than ever to know exactly which employees have access to which systems and data and when they do not. In addition to limiting the amount of damage that disgruntled employees can do after leaving a company, user accounts that await deprovisioning after an employee has been terminated still remain a security vulnerability for hackers breaking into corporate networks. The Cloud now provides exciting new ways for companies to lower costs by employing new purchase-only-what-you-need and pay-for-only-what-you-use models, but also introduces new security challenges for identity management potentially increasing support calls to the help desk for password and account management. For pennies on the dollar, small to large enterprises need a way to mitigate the lost productivity of employees requiring a password reset or needing to unlock their accounts in the local domain or in the Cloud. Additionally companies require transparent, bi-directional synchronization of identities with the Cloud and deprovisioning of user accounts needs to be immediate both in the local domain as well as the Cloud. CionSystems provides a cohesive solution to the above challenges via comprehensive, transparent, bi-directional, real-time directory synchronization between the local domain and the Cloud. Single Sign-On (SSO) and migration to the Cloud is supported by CionSystems’ Cloud Management Tool. CionSystems, Inc.
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Partner Story - CionSystems, Inc.
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